The Groveβs Disability Inclusion Ministry exists to create an environment and community where people and families impacted by disabilities can be introduced to Jesus and transformed by him.Β The Ministry Assistant position is designed to assist in cultivating an inclusive environment at The Grove so that families and people impacted by disabilities can feel loved, seen, supported and welcomed.Β As a part of the Disability Inclusion ministry team, this role will play a significant role in strategizing, as well as in assessing and evaluating ministry initiatives.Β The Disability Inclusion Ministry Assistant works significantly with The Groveβs other ministry teams.
Reports to:Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Director of Disability Inclusion Ministry
Works with:Β Β Β Β Disability Inclusion ministry team, volunteers, families, Grove ministry teams
Works:Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Part Time, approximately 20 hours per week, exempt
Before submitting a resume and cover letter, please read The Groveβs Statement of Faith and Foundational Beliefs. All applications confirm they have reviewed and are in full agreement with each part of the Statement of Faith and Foundational Beliefs. Submission of a resume and cover letter constitutes an affirmation of alignment with The Groveβs Statement of Faith and Foundational Beliefs.